Providence Services and Eye Health
Eye Exams
Providence Eye provides comprehensive eye exams with state of the art diagnostics to manage and treat a full range of visual impairments.
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness is a visual impairment that causes difficulty seeing far away objects.
Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Amblyopia is defined as poor vision in one eye caused by eye turns or the inability of the eyes to work together.
Hyperopia, also known as as farsightedness is a visual impairment that causes difficulty seeing objects that are close to us.
Astigmatism is very common and is caused by to cornea or lens having an irregular shape, preventing light from hitting the retina properly.
Presbyopia is age related loss of focusing at near. It is very common and usually becomes noticeable around the age of 40.
Common Eye Infections
At Providence Eye Associates our experienced team of specialists treat all common eye infections including styes, pink eye or conjunctivitis, and blepharitis.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is extremely common and refers to the deterioration of the central part of the retina which causes damage to central vision, comprehensive eye exams, imaging, and ultrasound are provided at providence eye associates to make early detection and treatment of these patients a priority.
YAG Laser Capsulotomy
In Yag laser capsulotomy, a tiny hole is created in the back of the capsule that holds the lens to clear clouded vision after cataract surgery. Our on-site state of the art yag laser provides convenience to our patients, requiring such a procedure.
Retinal Tears and Detachments
Retinal tears and attachments can be caused from the age related shrinkage of the vitreous fluid in the eye, floaters and flashes are common symptoms. The specialists at Providence eye Associates are trained to detect and seek out appropriate treatment should these occur.
Glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve that can lead to vision loss. It is caused by increased pressure on the eye usually from excess fluid buildup. With state of the art ultrasound, visual field testing, and Optos imaging, we are fully equipped and staffed to treat glaucoma.
Cornea Disease and Disorders
The Providence eye Associates team is experienced in the treatment of multiple corneal diseases and disorders and offers many advanced treatment options.
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry Eye Syndrome is characterized by chronic dryness, itchiness, and discomfort resulting from lack of self lubrication.
Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses
The most common solution for patients with myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. A vast array of glasses and contact lenses are available at our Optical. From budget to designer, you will find it all at Providence Eye.
Myopia Control
With the myopia epidemic upon us, children and teenagers may benefit from specialty contact lenses or other varying treatments which are clinically proven to help slow the progression of near-sightedness.
Cataracts or the age related clouting of the lens of the eye, typically developed after the age of 40, and are treated with glasses or surgical techniques. Both offered here at Providence Eye.
Terracon, a progressive corneal disease causes the shape of the cornea to become oblong instead of round creating refractive errors in vision here at Providence eye associates we treat and detect Keratoconus.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when long-term high blood sugar causes damage to the retinal blood vessels of type one and type two diabetic patients, a comprehensive dilated eye exam along with the use of our Optos imaging provides the best detection and treatment of these patients.
Flashes and Floaters
Flashes and floaters caused by age related thickening, and shrinking of the vitreous fluid can look like flashes of light and tiny black squiggles.
Refractive Surgery
Laser Vision Correction including LASIK and PRK is comanaged right here at Providence Eye
Eye Allergies
Seasonal allergies affect millions of individuals, causing redness, swelling, itching, burning, and watering of the eyes and eyelids during flare-ups.
Advanced Eye Care Technology at Our Clinic

OCT: Leading-Edge Diagnostic Precision
At our clinic, we pride ourselves on blending a 75-year tradition of eye care excellence with the latest technological advancements. Our state-of-the-art facility features the cutting-edge Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), a remarkable imaging system that allows for detailed visualization of the eye’s structure without the need for dilating drops. This technology is a cornerstone of our diagnostic tools, providing detailed, real-time images of the eye, enhancing both the accuracy of diagnoses and the comfort of the examination process.